Variable processing design of a municipal data center console
source:报刊杂志 日期:2018-09-29
The main part of console logic operation is designed to have variable program data processing capability and become a variable processor. Variable processors are similar in many ways to microprocessors, but for the processing capabilities of the console, the complement of registers, instruction sets, data channels, and overall computing power are special. A variable processor program that exists in a user programmable read-only memory can be changed without the need for wirewire or variety of integrated circuits.
If the data used for display is locally refreshed within the console, each console needs to have 10k to 20k (8-bit) byte memory, depending on the exact nature of the data to be displayed. When several consoles are adopted it becomes more economical to provide a central refresh of external memory and a native buffer, thus avoiding the need for massive data input at the same time. The selected display buffer technology is a first-in, first-out memory used to store the selected data in order to adjust the speed difference between the input data and the display generator output rate.
An electromagnetic deflection system is developed to locate the main beam and generate characters for each axis with a single amplifier. The main beam positioning (rotation) time is 10 subtleties. In a linear deflection system, the power required to achieve the above adjustment time is six times that required to produce the linear display. To achieve rapid positioning without exceeding power loss, the console assists in incorporatingdata center technology into the nonlinear deflection line at the required power. For linear inconveniences, the deflection amplifier has constant bias enough to produce a linear display. In rotation, the deflection coil is rotated to allow the beam to deflect the coil at a faster rate.
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