HOME>NEWS>The rail transit station will be seen as a development booster for the security comm center

The rail transit station will be seen as a development booster for the security comm center

source:fametal.com.cn 日期:2018-09-13


Taking rail transit as a system, the unified operation and dispatch of operation station will be regarded as an important element in the security command center, and the trend of independence and specialization will be expounded. Based on the current situation of several large cities in China and the actual case analysis of the rail transit security command center of the whole network in a certain city, the development direction of the rail transit security command center is analyzed.

The rail transit security command center is the best way to ease the urban congestion

Rail transit is a mode of transportation generated by the development of a city to a certain level. Its advantages such as large traffic volume, little interference, land saving, resource saving and small pollution make it an important support and forerunner for current and future urban development. At the same time, rail transit also has its own weaknesses, such as high construction cost, long construction time and weak disaster resilience. The security command center of rail transit is mainly aimed at the problem of urban congestion situation in the operation of rail transit. Although the subway has a strong ability to resist disasters such as rain, snow and hail, it has a weak ability to resist earthquakes, floods, fires and terrorist attacks due to its closed structure and operating environment.

The security command center of rail transit works with the society

With the increasing complexity of social division of labor and cooperation, when faced with these uncertainties, it is often necessary to mobilize more forces to cope with them together. Therefore, higher requirements are put forward for subway security. More sensitive detection of security risks; To respond quickly to hidden dangers and emergencies; More efficient use of platform technology to coordinate multi-forces to deal with these hidden dangers and emergencies. Under this requirement, the scale and delicacy of the security control center in the past often cannot meet the requirements. As the carrier of the security system and the center of the whole security system, equipment and line, the design and construction of the subway security command center has its unique significance and importance.

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